Stay up to date, understand your driving and insurance history, and make informed decisions to be sure your insurance best meets your needs.
The myAutoPlus app is your path to easily and efficiently educate yourself on automobile insurance in Canada. We designed the app to empower you with all the information you need about auto insurance.
With articles from leading industry experts sharing tips and the latest insights on everything from tech to insurance, this app might just make the process of getting insurance a little easier.
Exclusive comprehensive policy history insights for informed decisions and a better insurance experience.
Insurance Score
Personalized insurance score to understand your driving strengths and areas of improvement to help save on premiums.
Policy Planner
See the impact to your insurance risk profile by changing things like your address or vehicle using the Policy Planner.
myInsurance News
Find thought-provoking content on insurance topics, ranging from how paying more attention to your insurance policy can pay off in real dollars, to what to do in an accident, to how to prevent auto theft, to winter safety.
Broker Search
While reviewing your policy history and improving your knowledge of insurance, use the myAutoPlus app to search for insurance brokers.
Frequently Asked Questions
The FAQ provides information on the details of your myAutoPlus Report, as well as how to interpret and understand insurance information when chatting with experts.
Let insurers know that you have protected your vehicle and register your Secure Fob anti-theft devices in app. Learn more