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What you will need:
By upgrading for free, you will gain access to:
Updated and accurate insurance profile data.
Your insurance score, showing you the relative strengths and weaknesses of your driving and insurance profile.
Register your Secure Fob device, or other anti-theft devices.
Great offers from trusted partners.
And so much more!
Step 1: Navigate to Notifications or ‘My Profile & Settings’
Tap the bell icon located on the top right of your screen and tap “Upgrade your experience, for free!”
Tap the ‘My Profile & Settings’ person icon located in the top right of your screen. Once on the ‘My Profile & Settings’ tap the ‘Learn more' button.
Step 2: Review and Agree to the Upgrade
Step 3: Complete Upgrade
There is no upgrade available for Quebec consumers. You will still be able to register your Secure Fob devices.