Upgrade your account


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Step-By-Step Guide: Upgrading Your Account

For Alberta, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Yukon


What you will need:

By upgrading for free, you will gain access to:

  • Updated and accurate insurance profile data.

  • Your insurance score, showing you the relative strengths and weaknesses of your driving and insurance profile.

  • Register your Secure Fob device, or other anti-theft devices.

  • Great offers from trusted partners.

  • And so much more!

Step 1: Navigate to Notifications or ‘My Profile & Settings’

  • Tap the bell icon located on the top right of your screen and tap “Upgrade your experience, for free!”

  • OR

    Tap the ‘My Profile & Settings’ person icon located in the top right of your screen. Once on the ‘My Profile & Settings’ tap the ‘Learn more' button.

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Step 2: Review and Agree to the Upgrade

  • Read and agree to the upgrade terms and conditions. Then select ‘Upgrade now’.

Step 3: Complete Upgrade

  • Congratulations! Your myAutoPlus account is now upgraded and you now have access to enhanced services.

For Quebec


There is no upgrade available for Quebec consumers. You will still be able to register your Secure Fob devices.